About Hide and Seek
Hide and Seek is an investigative true crime podcast that focuses on missing persons cases.
Season 1 was released on the 10 year anniversary of Nancy Moyer’s disappearance. Nancy was last seen by a police officer running radar as she was unloading groceries into her home in Tenino, Washington. She left behind two young girls and her separated husband. Before the end of the season, someone had released a confession of their involvement to detectives. Though the confession was later redacted, James did not give up his pursuit of finding answers.
Like Season 1, Season 2 also takes place in a small town in Western Washington. Logan Schiendelman had recently graduated high school and was beginning the next chapter of his life. Complicated family relationships, newly uncovered false alibis, and a couple red herrings created a tangled web that James diligently unraveled with the mantra “Never Give Up, Never Never Give Up.”
Season 3 took James to Sturgis, Michigan where he was immediately met with key individuals all pointing the finger at each other. Brittany Wallace was a mother, sister, daughter, wife, and friend. She was only 23 went she went missing. As James and his team spent countless hours going down rabbit holes and chasing dead end leads, they discovered Brittany’s social media accounts had been hacked and messages deleted from just before she disappeared. Someone close to her knows something, and James is determined to find out what that is.
Follow along to hear the most recent episodes of this case.
About the Host: James Baysinger
James Baysinger is the creator and host of the Hide and Seek podcast, as well as the founder of Sasquatch Productions. He began his career as an Insurance Agent, but always had an investigative interest in the true crime genre. Inspired by podcasts such as “Serial” and “Up and Vanished,” he wanted to create a venture of his own. His passion for unsolved mysteries led to the formation of Hide and Seek.
As a Washington state native, James wanted to work on a case that was close to home. When he came across Nancy Moyer's story, he was both intrigued by the convoluted details of her case, as well as empathetic towards her children that grew up without their mom. After four months of investigating, the first episode was released. What began as a hobby quickly turned into a career. By 2021, James was in the middle of his second season when he made the decision to leave his job in insurance to pursue podcasting full time. He has since added a few team members, and is currently releasing episodes for Season 3.
When he’s not hunting down new leads or recording material for the next episode, James enjoys spending his free time with his family, being active, and sipping on a good whiskey.
Have an Idea?
Have something you want to share with the Hide and Seek team?
Shoot us an emai: Hideandseekpod@yahoo.com